Puppy Socialization Schedule
Newborn to 2 weeks
Hold and handle puppy daily
Touch ears, feet, toes and tail
Begin introducing them to temperature changes in whelping box.
Lots of quiet time for mom and puppies.
Dewormer at 2 weeks old.
Eyes open
2-4 Weeks
Play music in puppy room
Add toys to the whelping bed then move to foyer (bigger) when legs are strong enough
figuring out how to use our legs
Everyone handles them (grandkids, friends and neighbors)
Fun with baths
4-5 Weeks
Introduce crate (without doors) open laundry room and kitchen up for their expanded digs.
They are very near washer/dryer and hear vacuuming everyday.
Introduce grooming process (brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning)
Introduce to other pets in home
Go outside (weather permitting)
car rides
dewormer at 2,4,6 weeks.
wean from mom
Alexa is playing thunderstorms
6-8 weeks
Continue all previous training and make sure all puppies get lots of one-on-one time.
Leash time and start housebreaking
Less and less water and canned food in with dry. Will be on completely dry food when go home.
enjoys bath time
First Vet visit with deworming and first shots right before they go home.
Go to forever homes 7 1/2 weeks-8 weeks old.